Monday, December 6, 2010

Personal Update- Post Thanksgiving/Pre Xmas

It's definitely been a while, I apologize. I hope everyones holiday is nothing short of memorable, eventful, and of course family-oriented. I have been inspired to write on many occasions but haven't been able to utilize the time I may have had to write. I never have answers to justify actions of this nature, lol. Excuses, excuses is the word fit here and I am trying to stay away from those. 

Life is good. I'm discovering and finding new things about myself that I grow to love as each day progresses into a week, weeks into months and months into a year. I hope you guys can find some empowerment or inspiration in that last sentence because I truly believe our goal here in human form is to do just that. Empower, share, help to guide and inspire.

I'd absolutely enjoying hearing more from you guys when you read. I see some of my readers may be comment shy, and that is okay. However, I do encourage you to share comments, concerns and opinions - respectfully of course.

I'd also like to include that I do appreciate my readers and those you who who've taken time to follow my writings, promotion and experiences here on my blog. Please continue to support, read and share with me!



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