Thursday, December 9, 2010

Volunteering with ART180.

Ya know, I underestimate the events that take place in my life. I'd like to think of my life as pretty average and maybe even simple. Some people think otherwise. Just because of pictures viewed online from a fun night or a photo shoot.Weird. However, I'm gradually-but surely-beginning to realize I just may be involved in some things that greatly inspire other people. I say those things to say this: I completely forgot to mention to you guys that I have been volunteering for ART180. Since October actually, so that makes 2 months.


ART180 is an organization that usually uses artists as liaisons here to change our youth's live's through art. Might I add, the idea is totally genius. Learn more here.

Of course it's dear to my heart, which is why I should have shared. That's what this blog is about, things I love. So, as mentioned in my last post, local artist HAM? and I  are working together to create the 'Mural Art' program at a Boys and Girls Club here in RVA. Last week, we helped out students to begin creating their own mural on the actual building we hold class in! The Boys and Girls Club, awesome, right? The project is going great and I love the personalities of each and every child.  I will keep you guys posted and will of course post images of our mural when they are all done.

Here is a picture from the first project I helped out with ART180 though, 'Paint Outside the Box Day'.

Hope you guys have enjoyed!


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